I'm generating SegWit keys and addresses using bitcoinjs-lib . I'm new to Blockchain so I'm using Ian Coleman's bip39 repo for guidance. However, I encountered different key and address outputs when generating them with bitcoinjs-lib compared to the results from Ian Coleman’s tool. I found out that the reason is in the network config, I'm using the bitcoin network config directly from bitcoinjs-lib , while in that repo there's a custom config. Here's the config I used: { messagePrefix: '\x18Bitcoin Signed Message:\n', bech32: 'bc', bip32: { public: 0x0488b21e, private: 0x0488ade4, }, pubKeyHash: 0x00, scriptHash: 0x05 wif: 0x80, } And here’s the config from Ian Coleman's tool: { messagePrefix:"\u0018Bitcoin Signed Message:\n", bech32:"bc", bip32: { public: 78792518, // 0x4B24746 private: 78791436 // 0x4B2430C }, pubKeyHash: 0, // 0x00 scriptHash: 5, // 0x05 ...