Correct Configuration for Generating Bitcoin SegWit (BIP84) Addresses

I'm generating SegWit keys and addresses using bitcoinjs-lib. I'm new to Blockchain so I'm using Ian Coleman's bip39 repo for guidance. However, I encountered different key and address outputs when generating them with bitcoinjs-lib compared to the results from Ian Coleman’s tool.

I found out that the reason is in the network config, I'm using the bitcoin network config directly from bitcoinjs-lib, while in that repo there's a custom config.

Here's the config I used:

  messagePrefix: '\x18Bitcoin Signed Message:\n',
  bech32: 'bc',
  bip32: {
    public: 0x0488b21e,
    private: 0x0488ade4,
  pubKeyHash: 0x00,
  scriptHash: 0x05
  wif: 0x80,

And here’s the config from Ian Coleman's tool:

  messagePrefix:"\u0018Bitcoin Signed Message:\n",
      public: 78792518, // 0x4B24746
      private: 78791436 // 0x4B2430C
  pubKeyHash: 0, // 0x00
  scriptHash: 5, // 0x05
  wif: 128 // 0x80

My result outputs keys that start from xprv and xpub while Ian Coleman's resulted in zprv and zpub.

Given that BIP84 mandates zprv and zpub prefixes for native SegWit keys, Ian Coleman’s config seems more appropriate. However, both configurations generate seemingly correct addresses.

So, my questions are:

  1. Which configuration is correct for generating native SegWit (BIP84) addresses?
  2. Are there any risks or drawbacks in using the xpub/xprv prefixes for SegWit addresses, or will it just affect compatibility with certain wallets?"

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