In an unexpected turn of events, a once-dormant wallet from the Ethereum initial coin offering (ICO) in 2015 has sprung to life, causing ripples in the crypto community. The wallet, which had remained untouched for eight long years, recently made a startling move by transferring its substantial holdings to another address. Following the mysteriousness that comes with this move, questions arise about the motives behind this unexpected awakening and the potential impact on the Ethereum market. The Awakening Of A Sleeping Giant On-chain analysts, Lookonchain , were the first to notice the activity within this dormant wallet. The wallet was first seen initiating a test transaction, moving 1 ETH worth $1,845, followed by a transfer of the remaining 7,999 ETH ($14.7 million). Delving into the wallet’s history, the wallet acquired its 8,000 ETH holdings during the Ethereum ICO at a bargain price of approximately $0.31 per token, amounting to a mere $2,500 investment at the time. The ...