How could Bitcoin be upgraded in order to defend against network delay attacks and network partition?

Increasing block emission rate or block size decreases the security of Bitcoin by increasing its fork rate. For the Nakamoto consensus to be secure the following assumption must hold true:

D * block_emission_rate << 1

where << mean much smaller, and D is network delay in seconds. block_emission_rate for Bitcoin is about 0.00166 blocks/second.

Thus for Bitcoin to be secure the network delay must be much lower than 600 seconds. Sompolinski et al. write about a solution for block-DAGs of locally defining a maximum latency that can be caused by an attacker:

That is, even if messages currently propagate fully within 1 or 2 seconds, if an attacker may disrupt the network and cause messages to take up to 30 seconds to go through, 𝐷 should be set by the client to 30 seconds.

Couldn't the parameters such as block_emission_rate and perhaps even the block size be adjusted locally and automatically as a function of the stale block rate rate? Are fully asynchronous consensus mechanisms the only defence against network delay attacks and network partition??

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