Is it safe to use a private key for an existing singlesig wallet as one of the keys for a new multisig wallet?

I am new to hardware wallets and self-custody so apologies if I am mixing things up or trying to do something wrong here.

I got a Blockstream Jade and playing around with air-gapped keys and wallets on Nunchuk.

I created a new wallet on the Jade and setup a singlesig wallet on Nunchuk with that key, let's call it Key #1. Did some air-gapped transactions, all good.

I want to setup a 2of2 multisig wallet on Nunchuk now. Can I create just one new wallet/private key on Jade, call it Key #2, and use the two keys I have as the two keys for the multisig? I guess two questions here:

  1. Will the singlesig wallet with Key #1 still function totally normally and independently?

  2. Is this unsafe to do? Both keys are mine and I don't plan to use the original singlesig wallet - it was just for testing.

I could just create two new keys for the multisig but it got me thinking - isn't a recovery phrase/private key the same thing as a wallet? So if you create n keys for a multisig each of those keys should on their own correspond to separate singlesig wallets in addition to being keys for the totally separate multisig wallet. Is that correct?

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